Friday, August 28, 2009

Rare moments of joy..

29th July '09 was the day .. the memory of which has been etched out with immense artistry on the interior of my cardiac, the reminiscence of which shall never be wiped out even by the passage of time. This happens to be the day I received my first pay cheque :-). Those moments when the HR actually handed over the cheque to me, those moments of pride when I held it to myself, the joy which completely ignored the quantum of salary I received, the innocent exuberance with which I called up mom to share my excitement , shall always remain too much for words..

It so happens that during our respective journeys, which are so very diminutive and which are mostly carried out on bumpy roads , forever complete with unjustified , unanticipated and unwarranted speed breakers, it is only preciously rare occasions like these which keep on rejuvenating us and refuelling the 'hope-tank' from time to time.