Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Editorial ...

How desperately I prayed that the Qubit Souvenir be released..How desirous I was to see my editorial in the first page of the magazine.. Well it never happened though.. :) But I guess my blog wouldn't let my work go unnoticed. So here goes my oeuvre..


“The best index to a person’s character is a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good. b) how he treats people who can’t fight back” ----- Abigail Van Buren.

The literary department of Qubit’08 majestically brings out yet another plush edition of its SOUVENIR. The world has definitely witnessed unfathomable advancements in science, technology and communication. In this preposterous pursuit of globalization, the importance of character in our lives has been ruthlessly dumped into mere oblivion. This edition of our SOUVENIR has chosen ‘character’ as its theme.

The above quote by Abigail Van Buren lucidly sums up the reason behind the ghastly destruction of human values in the present world. The gross tendency of we homo sapiens to take an opprobrious advantage of the meek and weak is the culprit behind the parlous placement of human values on a precipice. When I say ‘weak’, it refers to either the financial status or either the mental status. It’s become rather customary to subject the meek to belittling and disparaging remarks. None of us ever falters before making them a soft target of ribald jokes and pranks. The so called ‘mighty’ often stoop low and look frantically for soft targets. But little do they know that they are infinite light years from being strong. They are mere poltroons. We never realize how strong a person is until we see him at his weakest moment. A cat transmogrifies into a tiger in sheer exasperation. After this transmogrification, he who had received brickbats suddenly finds himself swimming in encomiums. People who had earlier taken him for granted don’t hesitate to prostrate before him. This nauseating change in behavior bears ample testimony to our miserable and pitiable character. ‘Knowledge is power’ is the adage that still reverberates. In my view, it’s character coupled with knowledge that becomes one’s forte. Let us vow not to look for easy targets. Let us swear to become humane even before we become engineers!!

QUBIT’08 is undoubtedly another feather added to our cap. With over 5000 students participating and with renowned organizations sponsoring it, it has become a huge hit. We hope to continue this way providing students with an opportunity to discover and develop the creative genius dormant in them.

Unleashing this SOUVENIR has been one of my exciting and noetic adventures. I congratulate the students, faculty members and the sponsors who have worked behind the screens and contributed to the souvenir’s success. Wishing u all a happy reading!!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

The brouhaha about the proverbial 'true love'

Over and over again ..I get to hear this phrase 'true love'... so much so that it's become horribly hackneyed. What is this so called "true love" all about ?? I always kept wonderin..Why do most of my friends keep gettin bouts of this fever called "true love" ??

I always thought that the only word in the dictionary which has a profound meanin is "love". The word which is so divine in itself stands for purity and a thoroughly selfless and immaculate feelin we have for others. Then why have we prepended this word called "true" ??? Does it mean that the word "love" all by itself can be nothin more than a pastime ??

It's almost a common phenomenon in every college that a guy is in "true love" with a girl who is pleasin to his eyes. (The vice-versa bein very much possible too) Another concept which has become ubiquitous these days and is very much related to this topic is the concept of "trying". The very word reminds me of those nostalgic school days when I used to visit the exhibition and then "try" flingin the ring onto any of the plethora of things displayed in the stall. This is the only meanin I associate the word "try" with.. But thanks to my engineerin which taught me that the word "try" can have varied meanings.. I've seen most of them "tryin" for people of the opposite gender in the name of "true love". Have we become so vainglorious that we 'try' only to display the mastery we possess over our "flatting" abilities ??('flatting' is a colloquial term used for 'impressing' someone) Have we become so depraved that we've begun to consider human beings as damn " things " who can be won by a mere fling of a ring ??

Oh dear folks !!! Please don't defile the pristine nature of love by "tryin" and then attachin the word "true" only to showcase the amorousness you feel for someone..The magic of love is that it needn't be revealed..One doesn't have to hold a rose , kneel and formally propose to someone. Your true love is something which each of them begins to sense even without any of them revealin it.. :)

Lets retain this magic and divinity of it.. Lets stop flauntin our expertise of injectin novel meanings to words.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Much Needed Fillip.. :)

And finally, here goes my first ever blog.... Never did i think i'd be establishin my foray into bloggin so soon. The very name "Blog" sounded too bombastic , n made me conclude that its only the connoisseurs of English who try out their hands in it.. Little did i realize that bloggin is more or less a euphemism for "diary writing".. (May not be completely right though..)

Lemme now talk about the entity which ignited in me the desire for bloggin.. And that's what i call 'loneliness' .. It myt sound downright absurd that I feel lonely in a world that is perennially abuzz with frenzied activity...With so many people around me who've always contributed to my joy and who've partaken my disappointments ,this so called 'emptiness' is smthn which has to be infinite light years away...Having been blessed with parents who are all ready to go to any extent to fulfil every fatuous desire I mouth , havin been bestowed upon by friends who never falter to give me the much required moral support n patiently listen to my hogwash ; cousins who always guide me through my career and personal life , why do i have to feel left out ?? Despite having a decent number of achievements to my credit,why am I so disgruntled ?? Why do I not feel the bliss of gettin placed ?? Whose company is my heart yearnin for ?? Whom am I frantically searchin for ?? Whom do I feel like pourin my heart out to ?? Whose glimpse is my eyes cravin to dream of ?? Is it the lacuna of a soul mate which is takin a toll on me ?? Do I actually know what I want ?? Or do i simply do not want to confess to it ?? After makin umpteen vain attempts of answerin those perturbin questions..I realized that perhaps my ruffled soul needs time for itself .. needs time to talk to itself.. It needs an avocation which enables it to dodge those posers and probably fill in the tormentin void ... !! And bloggin precisely holds the key to this unusual crunch :) :)