Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Editorial ...

How desperately I prayed that the Qubit Souvenir be released..How desirous I was to see my editorial in the first page of the magazine.. Well it never happened though.. :) But I guess my blog wouldn't let my work go unnoticed. So here goes my oeuvre..


“The best index to a person’s character is a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good. b) how he treats people who can’t fight back” ----- Abigail Van Buren.

The literary department of Qubit’08 majestically brings out yet another plush edition of its SOUVENIR. The world has definitely witnessed unfathomable advancements in science, technology and communication. In this preposterous pursuit of globalization, the importance of character in our lives has been ruthlessly dumped into mere oblivion. This edition of our SOUVENIR has chosen ‘character’ as its theme.

The above quote by Abigail Van Buren lucidly sums up the reason behind the ghastly destruction of human values in the present world. The gross tendency of we homo sapiens to take an opprobrious advantage of the meek and weak is the culprit behind the parlous placement of human values on a precipice. When I say ‘weak’, it refers to either the financial status or either the mental status. It’s become rather customary to subject the meek to belittling and disparaging remarks. None of us ever falters before making them a soft target of ribald jokes and pranks. The so called ‘mighty’ often stoop low and look frantically for soft targets. But little do they know that they are infinite light years from being strong. They are mere poltroons. We never realize how strong a person is until we see him at his weakest moment. A cat transmogrifies into a tiger in sheer exasperation. After this transmogrification, he who had received brickbats suddenly finds himself swimming in encomiums. People who had earlier taken him for granted don’t hesitate to prostrate before him. This nauseating change in behavior bears ample testimony to our miserable and pitiable character. ‘Knowledge is power’ is the adage that still reverberates. In my view, it’s character coupled with knowledge that becomes one’s forte. Let us vow not to look for easy targets. Let us swear to become humane even before we become engineers!!

QUBIT’08 is undoubtedly another feather added to our cap. With over 5000 students participating and with renowned organizations sponsoring it, it has become a huge hit. We hope to continue this way providing students with an opportunity to discover and develop the creative genius dormant in them.

Unleashing this SOUVENIR has been one of my exciting and noetic adventures. I congratulate the students, faculty members and the sponsors who have worked behind the screens and contributed to the souvenir’s success. Wishing u all a happy reading!!



Ramana Sarva said...

That was truly an "enlightening" editorial Tarun. If the souvenir would have come out, it really would have made a world of a difference. Anyways, kudos and keep goin'.

Unknown said...

A wonderful blog tarun.
I truly apologize for my inconsistent efforts in making your dream successful..after looking at your editorial i really regret!!anywayz im sure tat your name will come in some international magazine.:-)
Great work..

Unknown said...

the editorial......i actually have not read many editorials before so honestly i dont have that a good idea of how it conventionally is.........ur start and the fact of character first and then the knowledge embellishment is very genuine which is unfortunately mostly consigned to oblivion.
yet another masterpiece to ur credit.......