Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Too pricey a bargain ...

I've been dwelling here like the proverbial 'frog in the well' for all these years.. This is the place where I started my voyage almost twenty two years ago.. This is where I learnt my morals and values..This is where I cried and laughed , I was dejected and enthused, I lay trounced and also basked in the glory of my success..This is the same place which schooled me in one of the most elite institutions..This is the city which allowed me to graduate from a decent university.. Thanks to this place , I can brag about my priceless family , I can boast of my prized friends, .. Cutting it short, Hyderabad is where I've had my roots for such long a time..Hyderabad is the place which reared me so gingerly and saw me emerge from a rough stone into a polished one !!

I could feel a landmine blast in the interior of my cardiac , when I learnt that I have to cross the frontiers of my city and start a life afresh in a new place only to shape my career.. In today's age where travelling across the seas for settling down permanently has become so commonplace , moving to a mere 12 hr distant city from Hyderabad might not seem a concern to the onlookers at all.. But for someone who has never crossed the borders of Hyderabad too often and who has always been tied inseparably to his family, moving permanently to another city and living on his own without any parental help might seem quite arduous..

Shifting to another place obviously means forsaking so many things which are so very dear to me.. I'll miss the delectable food made by my mom , about which I always groused..I'll miss my comp on which I spend half of my life orkutting and chatting.. I have to forget all the reunions, birthday treats and movies with my school and inter friends with whom I deliberately pick up arguments over petty issues :D

I may not get an opportunity to catch a glimpse of the million-dollar view of those cute little ones playing in the park every evening..Most importantly I am going to terribly miss my mom ,dad and sis with whom I have been living all my life with..

I may not be in town to see the tears of joy and pride in my parents' eyes when I get my first pay..I'll feel the absence of my nieces who call me 'chinanna ' with immense affection.. I am thoroughly sceptical if I'll be able to attend the wedding of that cousin of mine , whom I've built all kinds of houses and wells in the backyard and spent all my summer holidays with.. I don't even know as to when I'll get to see her the next time..Probably by the next time I come to my home town, all my friends will have set out on their own journeys to reach their destinations..

But it dawns on me that there is something which needs urgent importance at this moment which is far above my petty complaints. And that's my career.. The compulsion and need to establish one's own self is probably of paramount importance to anyone..I gradually conclude that my future is just a test of the strength of the very foundation of all the morals , values and lessons I've imbibed in these years.. Not everybody who is close to our heart stays with us forever.. Destiny and time are the most ruthless entities which never allow the anticipated and speculated things to happen.. Their idiosyncrasy is to continually launch missiles of surprises into our lives..With no idea of the amount of time I'd be taking to come back permanently , I feel a prickle of guilt if the bargain for my career has been a bit too pricey..

I look forward to meeting you all through my next post..
Best regards & cheers !

1 comment:

anu said...

I'm running out of words to appreciate your style of writing, so I'd better forget about trying to do that :D. I wish you all the best for this journey where you'll discover yourself and the things you are capable of achieving :)