Saturday, November 27, 2010

An interview of my 'dreams' !!

My recent junket to Tirumala to attend a dear friend's wedding was an unbelievably phenomenal experience as it was by far the best wedding I ever attended in all these years. Be it the inherent holy atmosphere permeated with melodious chants, be it the flawless hospitality of the hosts, be it the tacit but conspicuous love between the bride and the groom or be it the extremely delectable food served on banana leaves, it was an experience I will cherish for the times to come!!! The enchanting charisma of the couple and the magic of their intense bonding wafted across the place and swept me off my feet and it was then I felt that ‘marriage’ makes complete sense when it comes to couples like them who share such an amazing quantum of understanding, faith and love.

The august wedding drew to an elegant close in the wee hours of a sunday and I sauntered down the street to reach 'Vaikuntam'. A closer look at each of the ‘Queue Complexes’(each of them meant for Dharma Darshan, Sudarshan and Sheegra Darshan) almost stupefied me as all the 3 of them were equally and astonishingly mammoth and impenetrable, fraught with sleep-deprived men, impatient women who calmed their wailing children by giving them a futile swinging motion in their laps, and senior citizens who propped themselves on the railing of the foot-over bridge.

Though I was flustered at the idea of seeking His darshan , in an attempt to please mom, who cautioned me against a darshanless visit to Tirumala, I forced myself into the queue, successfully sought His darshan after a good 3 hours and came back to the guest house with laddoos and not to forget, with a deluge of questions which had fountained in my mind during the 3-hour journey to His sanctum santorum. Fully drained out, I somehow fell prey to the monstrous sleep within, which was constantly pulling down my eyelids with too tremendous a force.

And then, I dreamt of something really unusual.. That I grabbed a chance to interview the Almighty Himself. !! Thus I reported..

'The Almighty allows us to gain a peek into His personal life as He squeezes some time out of His tight schedules.. So here He is in a tete-a-tete with the 'Times'.. '

I: So how does it feel to be the Creator of the universe? I mean the prayers, sevas, pujas, jewellery, prasadam, splendour, diyas , opulence, wealth and most importantly the devotees who queue up for tens and twenties of hours only to catch a glimpse of You ? How is the feeling like ?

God: (Smiles) Being candid, you guys make me feel so very special. In fact I feel so flattered.. But again, playing God is not all that easy you see..I have so many prayers to listen to , umpteen wishes to grant and a lot of 'prasadam' to relish (laughs). So my job really gets tough at times.

I: ' Prayers to listen' .. What kind of prayers do You listen to? Like, lakhs of pilgrims throng the place with hopes of getting their desires fulfilled and most of them sometimes go through hassles and stampedes only to see You.. So does it mean that the prayers of only those who've had such an ordeal are answered by You ?

God: Absolutely not !! I never asked people to come down here and make a wish.. I never expect my devotees to have a hassled journey in order to see me either.. If my people choose to come here and see me , it's just a matter of their belief and satisfaction which I totally appreciate.. And for your information I am omnipresent.. If you wish to , you might as well stay at your place and pray to me.. I shall be all ears to your requests.. !!

I: Well.. while I was standing in the queue, I saw this board indicating the various sevas and their astronomical prices ..

I just learnt that performing these sevas is the best way to please You.. I am certain that there are lakhs of Your devotees whose monthly income is much lesser than the costs of most of these sevas. Does it mean that it's only the economically stable ones who can please You and not the others who can't afford those sevas ?

God: I will overthrow your argument in just one sentence. My abode in Chilkur doesn't have any of the sevas and pujas you are talking about. In fact , it doesn't even have a hundi. Am I not answering your prayers there ? Thousands of people, on a daily basis, come down to thank me for fulfilling their desires.

The concepts of 'God' and 'religion' are being misinterpreted and hyped by all of you. I never asked you to perform these 'sevas' to impress me.. Nor do I favour those who perform them. In fact I answer every single , simple and honest prayer which is said from your heart.

I: To tell You the truth, I came to see You only coz mom insisted. She feels You are easily angered and that going back home without taking Your darshan might annoy You. True?

God: LOL !!!All that's balderdash dear !! That's just a gimmick of your elders to ensure discipline. Anger is the most destructive weapon !! .. I just can't run the universe if I am annoyed for trivial reasons. And you should have gone to your guest house and taken rest, I wouldn't have minded it !! I am not an attention-monger !! Please !! (smiles)

I: You said You are omnipresent. Where else can I see You ?

God: As against the common notion, I don't really possess a definite form or shape. I am rather the massive force which drives the universe. I reside in the rays of the sun at the crack of dawn, in the cold of an evening breeze , in the fragile petals of a flower and in the wetness of every drop of rain which sprouts life on soil .

I am the reason behind the greenery of plants and the blueness of the profound sky. You can feel me in the eternal love of your mom, concern of your siblings, and in the priceless affection of your friends. I am nothing but the consolidation of all the goodness of the world.

I: Anything that You'd like to convey to Your devotees ?

God: Stop banking on mere prayers and start working out things for yourselves. Though I decide the fate of everyone on earth, let me confess, I give in to indomitable fighters who relentlessly fight their fate written by me to live a life of their choice. !!

'Praying' for yourself is a selfish phenomenon. Praying coupled with 'sevas' to impress me and to get your things done is even more a selfish act. Instead of supplicating me for a thousand things for yourself , try praying for peace and happiness in the world.

I: Ok .. Thanks a lot for Your ...

My friend Dhaston, who was gallivanting around Tirumala all throughout the while I was sleeping, slammed the door in impatience as he had been waiting for me to open the door for quite some time. I woke up from my deep slumber to open the door for him.

"Parthu !!!! You were sleeping ??? Don't want to get back to Hyderabad ? Get ready for God's sake !! We are getting late for the train."

P.S. :

-> The first paragraph of this post is dedicated to Sreekanth and Kamala, the protagonists of a wonderful love story which culminated in the extraordinary wedding I attended in Tirumala.

-> Sreeku, I can't get my hair pulled and my ears twisted (:D :D )by dedicating the rest of the blog to both of you. I know you wouldn't really appreciate the not-so-devout opinions written above. Hehe.. :D

-> Gifting both of you a cornucopia filled with joy, success, serendipity, laughter, peace and pleasant surprises :-)

Parthu :D


Divya Namani said...

Hey tarun !! well narrated...I dont know whether u really had such dream or nt bt I clearly understood ur version of God..Till now I was under the impression that u r one among those who blindly go behind idolistic u gave the apt description of the supreme power ...really enjoyed reading this post... :)

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

Hey Divya !! Thanks for commenting first !! :D Well yea.. as you said I've begun to disbelieve the concept of idol worship as well.. !! I always thought I should put to words my opinion of the Almighty and I came up with this !!

Gaya3 said...

Hey tarun.... nice one!!! :-)

God definitely has a high position and he doesn't fall for stupid promises!!

As we grow old, we need to get the wisdom to pray God to make us strong enough to face tough situations in life but not pray him for a smooth life without hurdles.

As we all know- we realize the importance of happiness only when we have experienced pain :-)

Srinivas Chepuri said...

heylo .. was waiting for this blog :)

I knew you were writing something on this and frankly i was a lil worried for you, coz these things are very senstive and i thought youd would again end up landing in a controversy :D .. but having read the blog now i can see how cleverly you walked on the thin rope .. !! well done :)

and coming to the crux of the topic, I believe prayers are important when it comes to things which are not in our hand, i never pray for anything for myself unless i am really helpless, i pray for my loved ones coz wishing and praying for their happiness is the only thing in our hands. Prayer is a kind of meditation during which you will try to convince yourself that everything will fall into place, it will bring the much required hope in your life, also it is during your prayer you will get to know your true self ..

and coming to idol worship, even in our holy scriptures it is said that GOD has no physical form or existence, he is that mystic power who gives us the hope to live through our difficult times .. in a way idol worship is required coz we often forget the fact that GOD is omnipotent, these idols will remind us of his existence not just within them but everywhere else, they create a sense of fear in us which will restrain us from doing anything wrong .. Both worshipping a well crafted idol or a disfigured stone will yield samething if your prayer is true ..

and one need not go to a temple and pray, infact these days temples are nothing but money spinning places, tirupati is worse thse days ..

the bottom line is prayer should be a way of spirituality but not a way of greediness .. !!

Ramana Sarva said...

Glad you finally spoke to God. On a lighter note, I'd have asked God something more materialistic. ;-)

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Gaya3 : Well said !!! Hope that this realization dawns on everyone !! And nice to see your quick comment on my blog !! :D ..

@Sonu: Hehe.. I almost got used to getting drawn into controversial debates.. !! So never mind le ra :D

Yeah, answering the first part of your response, 'Prayers'.. See,digging deep into this concept, there are two kinds of prayers - spiritual prayers and supplications. Spiritual ones have more to do with treating our own mind.. As you rightly mentioned ,'meditation', 'self-realization'.. I am in total agreement and suppport of these kinds of prayers coz they help you in attaining a perfect control on your own quicksilver mind and also let you develop self confidence and a positive-minded approach towards life.. !! So I was definitely not ranting about these..

What I am a little against is the second category - 'supplications'.. All of us do say that our future is preordained and in fact destined by God.. If this statement is true, then what is the point in supplicating God for a state rank, admission into IITs n IIMS , a job with a fat pay cheque in the US and a Aishwarya Rai -like looking wife and then finally bribe God with exorbitantly priced 'pujas' and 'sevas' if He grants all these desires ?? How far is this 'religious' bribery justified ?

You spoke about the former kind and I about the latter !! Well, I loved the convincing style of your comment and perfect choice of words about spiritual prayers..

And talking about idol worship,we ourselves have chosen to give a particular form and shape to the powerful entity called 'God' coz we thought it's easy to connect with Him.. As you've noticed , all the idols of God have a human form and shape.. It is coz we couldn't think of a form beyond this !!

I partly agree when you said idols are required to remind of you of God's existence.. In fact this was the prime reason why idol worship took birth.. But completely disagree when you said "sense of fear in us which will restrain us from doing anything wrong "

You don't need God to remind you of right and wrong.. You just need a strong conscience . For me , the conscience which resides in me ,is itself God !! You must have read those lines in the post where I mentioned where God according to me resides.. There is yet another place where He resides and that's your own conscience !!! :-)

the bottom line is prayer should be a way of spirituality but not a way of greediness .. !!

- Loved this.. !! Bravo !!

But, seriously loved your comment .. Awesome style of writing, appreciable choice of words and well carved out opinions !!

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Ramna: Hehe.. yea.. I should have also asked for something materialistic !! :D

Venkatesh Velaga said...

Nice one tarun. :)

Anonymous said...

"God for you is where you sweep away all the mysteries of the world, all the challenges to our intelligence. You simply turn your mind off and say God did it."

And before I sign out, just another thought Mr. Tarun.

Pl enlighten me as to why this blog was penned down. There's that element of thought missing in it. We all have heard what you said. You are entitled to your opinion, if only that.

Anonymous said...

Nice imagination, a very good 'vakkabulary' and a few lies... :D (now, u can guess who has written this comment)

shikha said...

Letme tel u something...

even i asked ma mom same question 3 times.. wen v were in tirumala.. n all the three tyms i fell sick.. same or next day maybe!.. once i had to undergo a minor eye operation also.. ma mom connects it with "ma askin such questions"...

im able to connect with dis writing so much... feels nice to read.!

its about being spiritual wht i believe in!..

bottom line is spirituality!..

well done!!..

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Venkatesh : :) :) .. thanks !!

@Anonymous: First things first, I'd like to know who this is :-)..

God for you is where you sweep away all the mysteries of the world

Absolutely yes !! God according to me is definitely above human beings !! He is that massive force which is well above we human beings .. And one of them is Mother Nature..
I truly believe the existence of the entity called God in the form of Nature.. We believe what we see dear !! And those things which are not in our control is definitely in the hands of God !! And I said God is the consolidation of all the 'goodness' of the world.. I did not stop with mysteries !! :) :)

all the challenges to our intelligence. You simply turn your mind off and say God did it

Cudnt really get this !! Pls elucidate !!

Pl enlighten me as to why this blog was penned down. There's that element of thought missing in it

This post was intended to bring out what God or the Almighty actually is in my eyes..Many beliefs which really disappoint me time and again which I really doubt is the protocol.. You said there is some element of thought missing.. That's probably coz you disagree with what I've opined..

@Dhaston: Hehe.. thanks for commenting :) :)

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Shikha: God is a loving entity !! :)That's what I believe in..!! So you falling sick has definitely nothing to do with your questions !! And yea.. I too believe in being spiritual !! :) :)

Anonymous said...

@Tarun: From the same anonymous.

Nah !! I didn't differ with you. All that I meant to say was there is nothing we've heard of. God's not all about generating miracles. Any given day he (I'm not an anti-feminist when I call him a 'HE') is the belief you have in yourself of achieving something big.

The concepts of 'Hundi' or paying for the 'sevas' came into existence only to ensure that culture prevailed in earlier days. I honestly believe and there's quite a lot of proof associated with it, a fair share of the money that you offer at a TTD temple goes into welfare programs. Everything that we have in our scriptures with regards to rituals has a reason, and a scientific one. It is only for us to open our eyes and understand it.

And yeah, my identity, just consider me to be one of your many fans. Because, I frankly don't think it matters. I shall of course keep voicing my opinion, and that too, if it's fine with you.

Tarun Parthasarathy said...


God's not all about generating miracles. Any given day he is the belief you have in yourself of achieving something big

Hmm.. I don't really think I said God is only about miracles and mysteries.. As I mentioned, He is the charioteer of the universe !! And I loved what you said, He definitely is the hope and belief of achieving something big.. Which is why i said he's all the good in the world put together.. The strong conscience you have , the words of encouragement which your loved ones offer when you are let down, the fillip which your frnds give you to achieve ur dreams is all God according to me !! And He is definitely not an attention seeker !!! That's also a point I want to highlight here !!

Talking abt ur second para.. I certainly believe that there are quite a few welfare programmes which temples organize.. But with an equally 'fair' share of corruption.. As one of my frnds mentioned above.. 'money spinning machines' .. I understand that the concepts of hundi and sevas might have a mention in the scriptures.. But these things which were initially a token of showing our gratitude and love for God and which also bore a 'scientific reason' as you said,have now sorta become 'compulsions' and sometimes a status symbol.. Pujaris even suggest that to get your things done, you have to perform such and such a seva/puja..The 'have-nots' suffer from an inferiority complex that they really can't afford to perform rituals and its only the 'haves'who can do it and get their wishes fulfilled.. I am not against diverting money from the ticket costs of sevas into welfare programmes.. But I am totally against the concept of 'pleasing' God with these things in exchange for granting us what we want..

And one more question.. I actually got a comment on my previous post quoting Matrix... 'Don't try to bend the spoon..... " .. Was that you as well ?

just consider me to be one of your many fans. Because, I frankly don't think it matters. I shall of course keep voicing my opinion, and that too, if it's fine with you.

- Too big a sentence dear !! 'Many fans'-lol :D Antha scene ledhu naaku.. Well ur identity is definitely interesting !! Will do my best to find out !! :P... And ofcourse, please keep commenting !! :)

Kiran Joshi said...

Well to be frank complete narration was just like remembering my words to myself few years ago(though not the way u described
, but lillbit close to that) with my parents when
they forced me to make poojas and all, as our families profession was that. But only thing which was bothering me was the money
ppl demanded for those things.
I heard ppl saying these kind of things
---Sathyanarayana vratham... i ll do only if i get 300 bucks....
---Gruhapravesham....Inta isthae nae ostha (If you give this much money then only i ll come and perform it for you)
there are many many ppl who says those kind of words....
I am not saying that because of these ppl i have stopped doing poojas but i am scared coz i also might get corrupted like these ppl did when i start doing it.
.....I am infact very lucky that i am born in a purest family (aacharies) but at the same time
i am sad coz now a days every person including aacharies is thinking only for biggest culprit of mankind MONEY not caring about the path they are choosing...
Only thing i believed is that being good to every one, Loving the ppl who cares you, respect ur elders are only the GOD, and i am continuing on that.
I rarely go to temples though i have the pressure from my parents and relatives, i dont feel like doing a business with the god (Give me this one i ll
come and put 500 bucks in ur hundi, as if god is crazy about money and he doesnt have any). But i go rarely coz i dont want to become athiest and fool
myself. My words and views are bit contradictory and i am still confused whether i am athiest or non-athiest hence to be safeside i took the concept of
semiathiesm. I still yet to have a dream like you to get myself a clarity on this and i am waiting for it every day. The reason i said all these is
that your blog moved me to one step ahead towards self belief first, though i dont want to comment on existence of god, and i am very much thankful
for that. I owe you a party for this once i am back to hyd.
As always
Well narrated:)

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@kiran: You happen to be one of the those few friends who really understood my point of view !! There have been extremely few ones who agreed with my stand.. !! Wonderfully said..

i dont feel like doing a business with the god (Give me this one i ll come and put 500 bucks in ur hundi, as if god is crazy about money and he doesnt have any).

-Loved this ra.. this is wat i termed 'religious bribery' .. :) .. And yea.. I'll be waitin 4 ur arrival in Hyd.. To take ur party :D :D ..

Anonymous said...



We're actually looking at the same point from two different perspectives. After reading your blog, I see that you have a genuine concern for things around you. Just that, I'd be glad if you can go ahead and do something about it. You might be doing so already. I for a fact have no clue. Just wanted to tell you, if you divert the efforts you are putting into noticing these issues into trying and solving them, you'd make this world a better place for a few more people around you. "A working hand is better than hundred mouths that preach."

And just a thought for the day, "Trying to find out what's not known to you and finding that it leads to something new that you got to decipher is the best path to finding God".

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Anonymous: So the 'Yeah!' was a response to my question if you actually commented on my previous post rt ?

I genuinely appreciate the way you opine and your style of postin comments .. Especially the quotations you mention !!

So you still choose to comment incognito ?

anu said... always, love your style of writing.

My comment seems to be the first few (from the last) this time!

God is omnipresent, God is present in each and everyone, in each and everything...

I guess the concept of temples came into being for providing a serene atmosphere, a place to escape to when one was in pain or agony...and rituals came into being for ensuring discipline...

of course most temples today paint a different picture...

As the title song in the movie 'Satyame Shivam' goes

Nene Shivam (I am God)
Neevu Shivam (You are God)
Satyam Shivam (Truth is God)
Sneham Shivam (Friendship is God)

(I tell you about this movie so many times and you never watch it!)

@ Anonymous: Awesome comments, would like to know who you are!

Anonymous said...

@Tarun: Well, I'll put it this way. You'll see me in your next post.

@Anu: Thanks! But just like I told Mr. Tarun, I'd prefer being what I am, anonymous.

anu said...

@Anonymous: next post? We'll have to wait for 3-4 months then... :(

...unless I eat Mr. Tarun's brain to blog sooner :D

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@anu: Very well said re !! And yea.. will surely watch that movie this tim e !! :D Very apt reasoning of temples, religion and rituals !!

@Anonymous: Well I just hope you keep your word !! :) .. So you promise you'll reveal ur identity in my next post ?

Anonymous said...

@Tarun: It didn't come out the way I wanted it to. Nevertheless, I meant you'd see my comment in your next blog. I don't think you'll see me.

It's quite fun to have imaginary friends, believe me. The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist!

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Anonymous : Well.. I really can't say much.. Probably my blog didn't strike a chord in you !! But this is my version of God !! I still stick to my stand :) :) .. One thing which I feel vry honestly..I can't please all the people all the time..This one perhaps didn't come out the way you expected it to.. I just hope u'd like the posts i'd be making in future :) ..

Well i leave the choice of revealing or still concealing ur identity to you !! Ur call at the end of the day !! I still wonder how you came across my blog and started followin it !!

Anonymous said...

@Tarun: I shan't decide how your blog should be for you. It's after all your blog. All I wanted to tell you was that we are lost in the gore of evil and corruption to look at the subtle beauty around us and do whatever we can to enhance it. Something similar to what Chetan Bhagat talked about a few days ago at the IIMs, "Don't be serious. Be Sincere"

And to act like a normal loser and to explain, I never told you I didn't like your blog. In fact, it is one of those blogs which caught my eye and the only reason why I stopped by and cared to talk about it. And yeah, not everything works with everyone. You must have heard Emerson say, "Many things have been said and done. Tell me what works." So, happy blogging !

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Anonymous: Well, I feel delighted that my blog caught your attention and in fact convinced you to write in your comments !! Thanks for it !! I seriously love the quotations you mention in almost all your comemnts.. Looks like you are an avid reader.. But honestly, I never read any books .. So I am sorta new to all your quotations !! :)

Aashish Dattani said...

Nice one da! I knew this was in the coming. The only question was when. :)

Janhavi said...

Hey tarun! :) another blog... you ve a wonderful writing style... and its always something different each time :) :) As i guess already pointed out..... a pretty controversial topic (though i agree with your POV), but must say u walked the rope pretty well :) one of the lines - "The concepts of 'God' and 'religion' are being misinterpreted and hyped by all of you." - that is something that i completely agree with :)
Waiting for your next blog... :D

Janhavi! :)

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Aashu: Hmm.. so finally i get ur comment :)

@Jan: That sentence happens to be the summary of my post :D .. Yeah i just hope I find another topic to write on !! :)

Kanchana Naravar said...

hey tarun....

Firstly i love the post!!! If i were in your position where god appeared and i had to interview him, i would definitely go speechless!!! :) the questions that came to your mind were really appreciable....

And as usual u write really well :)

Kanchana Naravar...

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Kanchana: Thank you thank you .. :D
And yea.. keep commenting :)
