Saturday, April 9, 2011

Great expectations..

And so it was an unusually fresh and beautiful morning at office and moments after taking my seat in a sumptuously upbeat temper, I frivolously picked up a quote from the prized cornucopia of 'good morning quotes' I possess, and with a lofty state of mind, group-mailed it to my circle. The quote I happened to broadcast was a faint replica of this: "Never expect things from others as expectations always hurt."

No sooner did I send out the mail than my in-basket on Outlook chirped as new mails kept popping in , all of which were sent in response to the mail I had sent. They were something like this:

"This is what I kept saying. You expect a bit too much from your friends."

"How true !! Expectations always hurt. "

"Precisely !! It'd be nice if you don't expect things from everyone which includes me also ..hehe.. and you’d notice that life is more enjoyable."

"Correcccccct ra.. Expectations are bad. "

One of the responses was from someone who knows me inside out and I was quite clueless on how to react to that mail. I totally respect the individual's perception but may be I wasn't won over by his opinion. In fact there were two responses which victoriously persuaded me into pondering if I really expect a '200%' from my people and I wondered if life can be an uninterrupted festivity if expectations are clipped out . On a very candid note, though it was I who sent across that quote to everyone, I was not in agreement with it ( now don't ask me why I sent it. I sent it simply :P)

'Are expectations so unfulfillable that they should never be made ? ' - was my question.

There were quite a few instances where I and a couple of other friends were blamed for being a bit too high on 'expectancy quotient'.

Abridged extracts from a few experiences:

(i) Wanting your best friend to call you after having made numerous frantic calls to him/her(all of which were unattended) and having written to him/her on how important it is for you to talk to him/her.

(ii) A woman gets outrageously demoralized when she doesn't receive a call of concern from her husband after she reaches Delhi at an unearthly 2 a.m. all alone.

(iii)Waiting for your close friend to affectionately put his/her hand around you , cheer you up and make you talk when you are hurt or lonely or in low spirits .

(iv)Hoping that your soul mate meets you on your birthday so that you could hear that excessively affectionate ' You are my world' from him/her.

(v) While you take the initiative (of either calling/mailing/messaging) 9 out of every 10 times, desiring that your friend at least does it the remaining 1 time. It hurts to do it all 10 times yourself. When a relationship waters down from a two-sided to a one-sided one, it begins to strain.

Do these things really qualify to be great expectations?

If yes, I beg to differ with the majority and feel that these are more of moral responsibilities and duties, basic communication, courtesies, initiatives and manners which form the base of any relationship.

Assuming that I invited a friend to join me and my family for dinner the next day and he doesn't seem to turn up till late in the evening the next day, it is my moral responsibility to give him a call and ask "Hey what's taking you so long ? Have you started?" ?. I can't really care a damn to him, have a rejoicing dinner with my family and merrily slumber and snore away. He'd have certainly expected a call of concern from me. This doesn't mean that my friend 'expects' a lot from me. All it means is that a single call of 15 seconds would have made him feel so very warm and wanted; it would have reassured him that his presence at my place is being longed for.

Small gestures like these which exude concern and care are enough to make your people feel so special and that you need and enjoy their company so much.

I am not really sure if these can be termed ‘expectations’. These are the basic conversations and initiatives which come very naturally in friendship. They don’t have to be explicitly expected or taught; they just flow by involuntarily, out of sheer affection. If these fundamental initiatives are indeed expectations, I make these ‘expectations’ only from a preciously few people.

When I blame a close friend for being unresponsive, inexpressive and not taking enough initiatives, it neither means that I am insulting him and nor does it mean that I am a ‘thope’. It only means that there is an element of completeness in life if he is around. There is a whiff of untellable contentment which I feel in his company and conversations. The very fact that I could afford to blame him/her speaks volumes about how important he/she is to me. I wouldn’t care to blame a stranger, would I?

I’d never expect to be called and cared for, by the others outside my circle as I am neither tied to them and nor am I hurt by their neglectful gestures. This means expectations are only for my people.

I wouldn't care to call them 'my people' if I don't expect anything of them. The moment I'd stop expecting things from my people would be the moment when my love for them would begin to diminish. It would be that fateful occasion when the bonding I had always had with them would not be striking a chord in me any more. It would be that unfortunate second from when the ties I had always had with them would snap forever.

When you proclaim that you never expect things of anyone:

1) you have no ties with anyone


2) you are a hypocrite.

There cannot be an option 3 where you have a firm attachment and yet don’t expect. No sincere relationship on earth can ever be possible without expectations.

‘Expectation’ is that ethereally beauteous institution which draws the line between people who are always yours and people who are not.

The golden gospel of life is that 'expectation' is something that defines all your relationships and makes them more purposeful. Expectations are naturally embedded into the framework of all your close relationships and effectively, they tend to form the essence of every relationship. Expectations and relationships are inseparable entities, none of them being able to exist without the other. It is these 'expectations' that add meaning, purpose and beauty to every relationship on earth.

Being heaped with expectations, is an honor in itself as it is a clear-cut indication of how much you are loved, cared and wanted in somebody else's life.

I expect from my people coz I love them unconditionally. I expect coz they fulfil and complete my life. I expect coz they are my world. I expect coz I firmly believe that life is all about living in these invaluable relationships.

In the pursuit of living my life completely, I don’t think I can ever stop expecting, as long as I can keep loving .. coz the moment I'd stop expecting would be the moment I'd stop loving..


1) The number of people who love you madly can be counted on ur fingers. Whether to love them back or to ignore them is in your hands.

2) Any relationship requires equal contribution from both the people involved. One-sided relationships don’t last forever. One person cannot stand at the giving end always. It hurts to be taken for granted.

3) Words like ‘sorry’, ‘thank you’ , ‘please’ have a magical effect and can resurrect and repair any relationship – I am not sure if these are expectations; but they are manners for sure.

4 )Phrases like 'i love you' , 'you mean so much to me' , ' u r one of my best friends' would revive the sagging levels of satisfaction and purge any trace of insecurity in a person. Being expressive always pays.

5) The only possible expectation in any relationship would be affection in return and nothing else.

6)Expectations are not wrong. In fact not making expectations is wrong. Feeling the pain of not receiving affection back (or unfulfilled expectations for that matter, both are the same anyway) is a part of life. This pain brings with it a sense of indefinably weird addiction and comfort. If you avoid the pain, life is not complete.

Be it any relationship- there is love and hence, expectations. With love and expectations are problems. With problems are growth and realization - greater the problem, greater the profundity in your experience.

Instead of resisting yourself from expecting things from others , emancipate your heart and give it the liberty to expect.

Dedicated to

My tight circle.

If I've blamed any of you for not having taken enough initiatives, it only means that I need and love you all so much. - I can't say this to any one else :D


Kiran Joshi said...

Hmm....Nice explanation of your views..:)
I can say that
Every one expects a lot in return but many wont agree with that. You would be happy if you keep on saying that i wont expect anything from others. But you would be completely happier if you get your expectations from others. And i believe in complete happiness and there is nothing wrong in expecting but i feel that one should not force for the reply and should not blame others for his/her expectations. All in all i would like to say only one thing that there is nothing wrong in expecting but blaming others if his/her expectations dint meet is a bit wrong. My statement would be controversy but that was just my view on this topic.
Any ways superbly narrated hope your anonymous friend open up his identity for this blog :P
This was the post which i happen to read before you telling that i have released a post in my blog....and i am very much happy for that...:)
Keep it up tarun and keep posting....:)

Padmini said...

wow .. superb blog :)..the best part of it is : "The moment I'd stop expecting things from my people would be the moment when my love for them would begin to diminish." ...yea ,love n expectations r directly proportional coz we expect stuff only frm ppl whom v value n love the most .....
all i cn say nw is "wooooow" n hatsoff to the way u expressed ur thoughts ..a small suggestion :D .. y dont u start writing novels :)

Srinivas Chepuri said...

Expectations are good provided there is a scope for them to be fulfilled. When you know it is waste to expect few things from someone, then wats the point in expecting and getting hurt ??

Expectations are purely subjective. They change from person to person - who is expecting and from whom are you expecting.

At some point in a relationship, You need to make a call as to what/when to expect and what not to. This does not mean that your relationship is under strain. It means it has reached that mature state where some of the so called expectations in fact become our habits and some of them have been stopped expecting. If you are mature enough to set the limitations of your expectations at a certain level in a relationship then they are good.

Also as they say, love is blind, so are expectations. You sometimes cannot make out what is that you are expecting and especially from what kind of person. If you are not blind in love, then expectations are good.

And expectations make you greedy. The more you see them getting fulfilled the more you want them. Yes if you can have control on your wants, they are good.

Personally, expectations scare me.
I am happy in a expectations free world.

May be you can say that the more you love the more you expect. But converse is definitely not true.
I dont expect things from my dear people but i still love them. This works for me coz i dont often complain about ppl. I dont mind calling the 10th time to my dearest ppl. I dont complain when ppl dont call me back coz i know i am bad at phone etiquette and dont expect the opposite person to be good at it. So is the case with numerous other thing. This is why i say expectations are subjective and they need to be changed from person to person and relationship to relationship.

If you can master that balance of expecting right things from right people they they are good as you say. But I took the shortcut way of not expecting.

Anyhow I was waiting for this ever since you mentioned the title of the blog. It was worth reading. And i am glad we atleast have few thigs on which our opinions differ.

Keep blogging .. !! :)

Srinivas Chepuri said...

Also to add a point, expectations are purely happening in one's head, if the opposite person is unaware of them and yet you blame them is wrong .. totally !!

Aashish Dattani said...

"We have expectations only from people we love."

How about we love only the people who keep up to our expectations? Wont that make life simple for everyone?

Divya Namani said...

Hey tarun !! I completely second each and every thought you have put down on this..Even I take the things in the same way wen spoken abt relationships..if not,then wats d big difference b/w our ppl and rest of the world..Infact,ur blog helped me answer few questions ponderin my mind..thanks 4 dat :) the hard fact i realised out of experiences is ..d more we expect d more we r hurt !!! :( .. good post,tarun..!! keep posting such ..

Dhaston Rosary said...

It's common to be hurt when something that you expect doesn't happen.

However, if you expect something that you do not deserve and yet get hurt, it's not fair!

If you get hurt for silly reasons (expectations), how far is it good for you and for others? :)

One thing that might help in avoiding being hurt - Imagine from the other person's perspective.

For eg: If your friend is not responding to your call, may he/she is really busy. Why to be hurt and spoil your health and mind? :)

2nd one in ur blog: woman waiting for her husband @2Am-May be car tyre got punctured on the way... :D
Why to be angry immediately and lose peace of mind?!

If u think +vely, for each one, you'll have an answer. :))

As i told you many times before, TRY to avoid being hurt and tensed always.. :) Otherwise, u r close to becoming an 'emotional Aparichitudu' ;) :D

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Kiran Joshi : Hehe.. nuvvu thope ra babu.. You posted ur comment even before I officially released it :D..

All in all i would like to say only one thing that there is nothing wrong in expecting but blaming others if his/her expectations dint meet is a bit wrong.

Probably you feel blaming or accusing or questioning them when they don't meet ur expectations is wrong.. But I feel you have every right, intimacy and proximity to do it.. Whom would you think you can blame and speak your heart out to ? Only a few people in ur life ra.. Friends play a cardinal role in everyone's lives. When they disappoint you, you've got every right to question/blame them.. We can't blame strangers can we ?

Once they end living up to your expectations, the connect you always had would start going for a toss..
I completely respect ur POV though.. That's just my view anthe :)
And thanks for ur first comment ra.. :D Love you..

@Padmini: Thanks a lot P.. In fact that sentence really came out frm the depth of my heart !! I srsly don't think I can have the same connect and quantum of luv when I stop expecting things.. If I try writing novels , all of them wud end up in controversies .. hehe..

Anonymous said...

It seems like you live by rules which forms the crux of ur blog. Its little childish to cry for responsive partners.I like the explanation given by Chepuri Srinivas more than the content in ur blog ;p

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Sonu: I we've not had any discussions where we were at loggerheads.. This probably happens 2 b the 1st one :D

Expectations are good provided there is a scope for them to be fulfilled.

-Scope to be fulfilled: Scope doesn't exist in relationships ra. That's wat I said.. It is a part of a relationship. It's not a supplement to a relationship.. Basic responsibilities CAN NEVER be termed 'expectations' and hence there is no question of scope coming in. All the examples I quoted either fall into moral responsibilities or natural manners.. We've just become so depraved that we push our ill-manners under the carpet and say ' you expect a bit too much'..

This does not mean that your relationship is under strain

What about a relationship where you had ur expectations being fulfilled and suddenly they stop being met ? How about a two-sided relationship diluting to a one-sided one? You don't think it's under strain? Every relationship begins to crumble if affection is not being returned.. If the fundamental duties and responsibilities are being ignored.. You said "what/when to expect" .. What is the point in being in a relationship when the most primitive things are not being met ? You do really think it can be called a 'relationship' when there is no understanding and when one doesn't care about the emotions of the other person ?

In fact for every point u raised, i just have one point to make.. You have got every right to expect the most basic of the responsibilities from the other person. The spouse, upon repeated disappointments from her husband (coz he never fulfilled the basic demands)wud definitely reach a 'mature state' as u said and stop expecting things for him for the rest of her life... You really think she shares a gud relationship with her husband ?

Personally, expectations scare me..I dont complain when ppl dont call me back coz i know i am bad at phone etiquette and dont expect the opposite person to be good at it

You don't expect coz ur not gud at it. You'd have when u r gud at it..
And personally, I don't think there is anything called 'phone etiquette'.. You'd definitely call back if you feel the other person is important.. You woudn't if ur not so interested.. Just like how u'd make every attempt to stay in touch with a coll frnd even after coll.. And how u'd avoid meeting him/her in every reunion.. Simple !!

expectations are purely happening in one's head, if the opposite person is unaware of them .."

This works when you talking about not-so-imp ppl ... ur ppl wud definitely no wat ur expectations are..

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

It seems like you live by rules which forms the crux of ur blog. Its little childish to cry for responsive partners.

Responsive - simply means carrying out the basic things Mr Anonymous.. It's difficult to live in a relship where the other person doesn't take any initiative and doesn't show any interest.. This, I don't think is childish..

I like the explanation given by Chepuri Srinivas more than the content in ur blog ;p

Very well .. May be you guys think alike !! ;D but I beg to differ.. I stick to my feelings .. !!

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@aashish: Absolutely da.. What u rote would ensue after repeated disappointments !!

@divya: Thanks Divya !! :)


What is he/she was actually not and didn't bother to call you for a week ? He/she was busy for the rest of the week ? when they stop fulfilling the natural expectations, its normal to get hurt and eventually u'd lose connect ..

And second case, I never said the woman shd hav expected the call the moment she set her foot on Delhi soil.. Some time in the morning? or at least towards the end of the day ? What if she didn't receive a call at all ? Wud u really call him a husband ?

Dhaston Rosary said...

Parthu, to reiterate what i said earlier, 'Why to be angry IMMEDIATELY and lose your peace of mind?!'

I never said that you should not expect at all. What I mean is that you should avoid being hurt as soon as something doesn't happen the way you expect it to be. :)

Sorry if my comment 'hurts'. It's not as a critic that I posted these comments, but as a well-wisher who hates you being hurt and tensed often. :)

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@dhaston: Irritate probably doesn't ensue.. 'hurt' is more appropriate.. I respect what you've said (Avoid being hurt)I feel it's easier said that done.. It definitely hurts when the most basic things don't happen.. :)

Totally loved when you said this : "Sorry if my comment 'hurts'. It's not as a critic that I posted these comments, but as a well-wisher who hates you being hurt and tensed often. :)"

ur such a SH ra dhaston :D :D.. sare sare inka don't bang ur head.. lol..


Divya Reddy said...

Looking at the quote " Never expect things from others as expectations always hurt." i thought i should go with it, cause i am a person who is scared of expecting things from my fellow mates. What if they don't reach my expectations is a main question that would always run in my mind. But then with the clear interpretation of your ideas, you have answered my question - which made me think "There is no harm in expecting things from people who are close to u.. people whom you can feel that they are yours.. people without whom your day never starts... and your day never ends." When you love your friends then you definitely would expect something from them - as simple as that.

I just loved 3 precious sayings of your blob.

1. ‘Expectation’ is that ethereally beauteous institution which draws the line between people who are always yours and people who are not.

2. The number of people who love you madly can be counted on ur fingers. Whether to love them back or to ignore them is in your hands.

3. Instead of resisting yourself from expecting things from others , emancipate your heart and give it the liberty to expect.

I love and adore the above sentences. :)

superbly expressed tarun. :) Keep it up !

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Divya Reddy: Feels gud that what I wrote came across as a clear interpretation to you.. Not many found it that way.. :D Thanks a lot for ur appreciation.. And as u said, there's nothing wrong in expecting things from ur frnds !! :)

Janhavi said...

Hey Tarun...
As always... a nice blog :) to some extent I agree with the good morning quote.... :D anyways any relation, whatever it may be is always give and take........ so if both the people fulfill each other's expectation.. only then will it work.. else someone is bound to get frustrated.... what qualifies as great expectations I at least believe is one's one perception... :)

Looking forward to your next blog...

Shikha said...

As usual.. awesome writing tarun..!!
now i know why u take so much tym to write a blog... so many emotions.. putting them down into words.. uufff...

a picture speaks more than words..LIKE ur blog is much beyond than just expressing ..!!

and i would like to steal ur line
"The number of people who love you madly can be counted on ur fingers.
Whether to love them back or to ignore them is in your hands."

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@janhavi: Hmm..:D Am happy you agreed with my POV about one-sided relationships.. They are just a myth !! They don't exist .. It really hurts to stand at the giving end.. Especially when ppl become so incommunicative.. that they don't indulge in conversations which come very naturally..


i know why u take so much tym to write a blog... so many emotions.. putting them down into words..

- Hehehe.. I've become really lazy Shikha ..:D

a picture speaks more than words..LIKE ur blog is much beyond than just expressing ..!!

- Thanks a ton for ur appreciation !! :) Feels vry gud :)

Anonymous said...

"I expect from my people coz I love them unconditionally." Seemed an oxymoron Tarun. And yeah, as I promised (not sure if you expected :P), here I am.

As Calvin says in one of his many discourses, "So the secret to good self-esteem is to lower your expectations to the point where they're already met?" It depends on your perspective of looking at it. And frankly, if you love your folks unconditionally, you wouldn't mind if they don't say "Sorry, Please" or "You are my best friend" . They won't have to. "Actions do speak more than words"

But, hell, yeah, I agree. Like a coin has two sides to it, every relation has two sides to it. Your side, the other person's side. But, what's more important is which of those two sides is right. Spare a thought gentleman.

Tarun Parthasarathy said...


And yeah, as I promised (not sure if you expected :P), here I am.

You already posted a comment na ? Was that not you ?

, if you love your folks unconditionally, you wouldn't mind if ... They won't have to. "Actions do speak more than words"

What if actions have already ceased to strike a chord ? What if the so called actions are now fraught with sheer indifference and disinterest ? What brings the otherwise usual measure of responsiveness and interest to a grinding halt that they fail to render the most basic and fundamental conversations and responsibilities? I don't see a reason !! What I believe is one would definitely respond if he/she is interested and they hell wouldn't if they are not.. What makes a person suddenly disinterested after a long phase of a healthy friendship?

I totally agree with your stand point.. Actions definitely speak more than words.. Being expressive pays , but I don't expect my folks to keep on saying it on a regular basis and yet remain disinterested in their respective relationships with me.. What's the whole point?

Spare a thought gentleman.
Just one line I have.. It hurts to be the playing the initiator always Mr. Anonymous.. I am not sure if you've experienced how it feels like.. When you initiate 9 out of 10 times, you'd expect the other person to do it at least the one last time.. If you keep on doing it always, you'd reach a point of exhaustion and you might as well feel if you are forcing the other individual ..

At the end, I wrote what I feel is right.. I know not many agreed with what I've opined here.. Whatever I write always ends up in controversies.. Not many agree with me .. It's always been that way .. Basic responsibilities can never be called expectations.. That's what I feel.. You can't keep lowering ur expectations to the point where you'd end up feeling all so lonely and left out.. !!

Anonymous said...

Assuming you love eating cheese pizza. I'm your best friend (though I am not) and I decide since my friend loves cheese pizza, I'll get him to eat it everyday. After a few days, the task does get indifferent and monotonous. Instead I get you to eat different things and surprise you with a cheese pizza, won't the beauty of the relation increase?

I guess that is what is going wrong. When you loved someone unconditionally, you loved them. You must've expressed your love in so many ways, but yeah, the person whom you are expressing your love to certainly should feel it. And he/she shouldn't feel bad about it. As someone said, "
For lack of an exciting expression of love, a relationship strong at the seams can wear thin in the middle."

And yeah, the previous comment was my first. Guess I got competition now. :P

Anonymous said...

And just to add, if I were you, I wouldn't call whatever you call a controversy. I only would say it is a discussion. "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance."

And that was one of the reasons I started participating in the discussion. Happy Blogging young man !!

Tarun Parthasarathy said...


won't the beauty of the relation increase?

- it would certainly increase if 'actions' just took another form( from cheeze pizza to, say , a burger).. Not when cheeze pizzas just stopped coming in abruptly and worst still if you've stopped to communicate natural things..

the person whom you are expressing your love to certainly should feel it. And he/she shouldn't feel bad about it.

- I guess this is right..They should feel it.. Which is why I said " the number of ppl who luv u can be counted on ur fingers. Whether to luv them or ignore them is in ur hands" .. What's the point when they are not able to feel it ? What's the point in still chasing them ?

And yeah, the previous comment was my first. Guess I got competition now. :P

Oh my god!! I never thought I'd have another anonymous friend.. :D ..Don't know who the other one is.. I can recognize you by the proverbs you quote..

"Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance."
And that was one of the reasons I started participating in the discussion.

- I luv ur style of commenting.. You add a lot of axioms and that really charms me.. You read lot is it ? And yea, I always welcome your comments and I do like discussing with you though I don't have the slightest inkling of who you are..

One question I want to ask - How did you come across my blog? And how do you know me ? :D You can reveal ur identity to me na ? Why just be an anonymous friend ? It'll be nice if I know you.. :)


Anonymous said...

I choose to conveniently not answer your question. Because, things are exciting as long as they are in the dark or are unknown. And yeah, it gives me an additional advantage of being frank and straight not worrying about what expectations you have of me. :P

Looks like you have had a tough time with some relations. So, just to cheer you up, "Sometimes things fall apart for other things to fall into place." Don't worry. Live free or die.

Tarun Parthasarathy said...


I choose to conveniently not answer your question

So stubborn you are !! :D

it gives me an additional advantage of being frank and straight not worrying about what expectations you have of me. :P

Even you think I have very high expectations is it ? :D :P ..Hehe.. joking though.. Well it is really exciting to have an anonymous friend like you .. I still keep wondering if I know you or not, how u cud locate my blog how you know me and an umpteen other questions !! :-)

"Sometimes things fall apart for other things to fall into place." Don't worry

Your quotations are such a salve !! In fact I look forward to ur comments to read these million-dollar axioms .. I am afraid , I am getting addicted to them.. It's such an honor to have you comment on my blog..

One request- I just hope you woudn't refuse.. I somehow feel that you write as well.. If yes, I'd really like to read ur articles/blogs/poems if any.. I am sure you are not very comfortable revealing your identity and so u wudn't give me the link to your blogs/articles.. Could you at least post them in this space provided for comments so that I can read them ? Or any other way by which ur identity remains a secret but yet I get to read ur work ?

Could you do this for me?


Anonymous said...

Alas, life never gives you what you want. I do write, but it is not for everyone. It is for a select few. And what I write cannot be shared here. I genuinely am sorry about it. But, yeah, I'll get you to read something whenever I can. It is the only thing that this anonymous friend can promise you.

Surprisingly, my friends believe my style of writing is too verbose. Good to know you liked it. "The world I believe is a bundle of exceptions."

Ramana Sarva said...

Good one ra. Most of it makes sense. And it is perfectly coherent with what you wanted to convey. It helps if people respond to your expectations. It does give us extra pleasure.

Was wondering why you weren't posting and when I opened your blog was surprised to see a new entry. Been busy with work. Do keep telling me whenever you post something.

Tarun Parthasarathy said...


I'll get you to read something whenever I can. It is the only thing that this anonymous friend can promise you.

I will keep looking forward to it.. !! I hope you keep your word :-) ..

my friends believe my style of writing is too verbose. Good to know you liked it

Absolutely.. I genuinely appreciate your style of writing.. Only if I could get more of it to read !! But yea, do keep writing in your comments :) That makes me really happy !! :)

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Ramana: Hey thanks... Somebody agreed with me !! Hehe.. !! Well this post has been very important, dear and special to me ra..I never worked so hard before on any other blog post .. Really wanted to write my heart out on this topic.. !!

And I keep announcing on facebook each time I come out with a blog re !! I think you didn't see it.. Will surely inform you when I write something new !!


Spoo-candid said...

To start with "an amazing blog"
digging deeper into ur thoughts i completely agree on two things
1.yes, u do expect and r possessive but i love these facts abt u cause
2."Expectations" is a very relative term....some times its priority is the highest and some time its lost in the crowd

but certainly fact lies stated
expectations is the reason for a lot of misunderstandings and eventually no one is to be blamed.

i completely agree to most of ur thoughts
once again.....very candid...un-adultrated ....very well woven and coherent
loved it .....!!!!
n ya hope i lived and live upto all ur expectations!!!!

Tarun Parthasarathy said...


Hmm thanks re .. Good that you agreed to most of what I wrote.. And yea you've always lived upto my expectations .. One more expectation is that your comment shd appear somewhere in the top :D Hehe.. thanks for your comment !!


spoorthi said...

To start with "an amazing blog"
I do agree with two things
1.Yes, u r possessive and u do expect but i love these fatcs abt u n these completely define u
2."expectations" is a relative term and no one is to be blamed

once again .....very candid...un-adulterated.....and beautifully woven thoughts

i hoped i lived and live upto all ur expectations

spoorthi said...

To start with "an amazing blog"
I do agree with two things
1.Yes, u r possessive and u do expect but i love these fatcs abt u n these completely define u
2."expectations" is a relative term and no one is to be blamed

once again .....very candid...un-adulterated.....and beautifully woven thoughts

i hoped i lived and live upto all ur expectations

spoorthi said...

To start with "an amazing blog"
I do agree with two things
1.Yes, u r possessive and u do expect but i love these fatcs abt u n these completely define u
2."expectations" is a relative term and no one is to be blamed

once again .....very candid...un-adulterated.....and beautifully woven thoughts

i hoped i lived and live upto all ur expectations

Atreyee said...

Its so neatly woven. I loved it Tarun. Feels so good afetr reading ur blog!

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Atreyee: Thanks re !! Feels so good after reading your comment :-) .. I like it when my friends read my blog and put their comments :) :) ..


Kanchana Naravar said...

Hey i love this post..all u said is so true:) Love the way u love ur friends and close ones :)Love demands an explanation and if that's an expectation,,Be it!!!

i guess this line was a lil contradictory..."I expect from my people coz I love them unconditionally"...
Unconditional is no ifs and buts....u love and bang urself one sided no matter what, which is practically not so possible :)

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

i guess this line was a lil contradictory..."I expect from my people coz I love them unconditionally"...

- I must confess to this egregious mistake. The word 'unconditionally' completely sent a wrong meaning across. It should have simply been ' i expect frm my ppl coz i luv them a lot' . Absolutely!! luvin ppl unconditionally regardless of their indecencies is not very much possible.

Love the way u love ur friends and close ones :)

Yeah but most of the times, my luv crosses the brink of tolerability of the other person. I do it in extremes :D .. hehehe.

Well nice to see ur comment..But u did it soo vry late :( .. next time I want your comment somewhere in the top :) :)


Kanchana Naravar said...

yeah next time nene first!!!

RaghuPavan said...

hey tarun ! ha ha u write whatever comes to ur mind .don't worry ,evrything is in contradiction.
If it makes me think that is enough

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@raghu: I didn't understand ur comment :P .. Clear ga raayi :D ..