Friday, February 10, 2012

The elixir of life ..

Twenty-four years, four months and fifteen days. No two seconds of this adventurous travel have been the same as every second kept changing. 'Change' has invariably been the motto of my life, the essence of it, the synonym and in fact the very definition of my life; a sagacious few, I remember, have remarked that the only constant thing in our lives is 'change.'

Over so many years, change has enveloped me. My school of thought, opinions, emotions, reactions, disposition, personality, my know-how, my language, habits, hobbies, priorities, my choices, apparel - all of them have taken turns to prostrate before this evangelist called 'change' and reverentially allowed themselves to be the subjects of this ecclesiastical conjurer who kept waving his magic wand and changing their shades time and again.

I confess that I've melodiously kept singing the change anthem every day and I lay fully engrossed in the change theater. But sometimes commonplace and everyday events, flick on new light on my rather obtuse brain, and persuade it to sink its teeth on a fresh fodder of thought.

One day, as I dexterously prepared extra-large morsels of sambhar rice and hastily threw them down my throat (for the fear of missing my train), Mom started off listing out her "Do's and Don'ts" for me once I reach Bangalore. Starting from 'Don't venture out into crowded places' to 'have proper three meals,' she recited her usual piece of poetry, as she normally does, each time I travel. But her 'travel prescription,' which I always dismissed off saying “Ma please, I know it,” this time, surprisingly struck me with an incredible quantum of impact.

Each time I moved out of town, the list of cautions my parents come up with, has been the same. Even today, when I go out for work in the morning, their list of directions are the same as what they used to be when I started going to school in 1991. Though I was content that my life kept changing on a daily basis, I somehow failed to appreciate the fact that my parents haven't changed an iota. Over the years, the warmth of their love hasn't changed and it finally occurred to me that the change theory isn't applicable to my parents.

Quoting another incident, during early December, my school, as usual made it to the list of top schools in India and ever since I read this piece of news, I have had an irrepressible longing to visit school and so I did. As I embraced my teachers and spoke my heart out to them on the day of the Alumni Meet, it pleasantly dawned on me that they still had the same measure of commitment and penchant for teaching as they did when I left school. Amazingly one of my teachers has been serving Little Flower for the past 47 years with the same zeal and fervor for imparting education ! Can you imagine that ?

My teachers perennially continue to be the pillars of this phenomenal institution and all of them are still with school, magnanimously parting with their life for the cause of education since decades galore. This unchanged glory and repute of Little Flower High School and the unchanged zest for excellence on the part of my teachers make me a proud alumnus of this divine institution. No wonder it still continues to be one among the best schools of India. The reason behind its roaring success, I firmly believe, is the unchanged morals and values it was built upon, 58 years ago.

Sometimes, not everything changes. And the moment they change, they lose their beauty and their purpose. I wouldn't want a change in the quantum of love my family has for me. I'd hate to see a change in the repute of my school. Just for a change, I don't want the comfort zone I share with a few old friends to take a beating.

I don't think I'd accept the sky and water turning yellow, the earth stopping its rotation, the sun declaring its decision not to shine - just for a change. Would you even afford to think of the consequences?

Taking this a step ahead, you'd realize that some of the most successful relationships in life are the ones that don't change. Relationships with parents, siblings, a few good old mates , most of the times, don't change coz the measure of emotions involved have grown thicker and thicker, reach the apex and finally defy any possible change. These relationships are immortal just like the sun, moon and the stars. They have no death, they have no change destined.

While these immortal relationships, despite occasional tiffs and misunderstandings, remain constant over the time, some other relationships undergo ‘change’ and fizzle out with time. And God knows the reasons why some are change-resistant and some others are not.

While it's totally true that you can't avoid a few fiascoes in relationships and every relationship,( be it changed or unchanged), teaches you something, I think I'd honor a relationship which has been robust, sturdy and unchanged. I strongly refuse to believe in the 'People evolve, things change, tastes begin to differ and hence relationships dilute' philosophy. Relationships are supposed to be everlasting, permanent and change-proof.

While change is an essential part of life in a few aspects(remember it stands for progress, newness , freshness and spells advancement) , unchangeability is an even more critical element of life as it makes life seem more purposeful and retains the very meaning of it.

If change is the definition of life, then unchangeability is the elixir of life which cures the ills of the heart, mind and soul and gives the impetus to live life king-size. Regardless of how change-soaked we are, it’s only the unchanged aspects which usher a sense of peace and bliss into our lives. No matter how unitedly we sing the change hymn every day, deep within our hearts we are all secretly yearning for those things which haven’t changed over the years.

Measure your wealth by the number of things that haven’t changed - they form your identity, they are your true possessions and they are your riches.


my family,

my school and teachers( specifically Ms. Mary Josephine, who's been with LFHS for a whopping 47 years and is still with school retaining the excellent standards of education. I wish I could continue writing out the names of all my teachers who are still with school. Their unchanged commitment and passion for the field of education keeps the flag of Little Flower flying high in the sky.)

and some friends ..

Wishing all these precious things of mine, a lot of unchangeability !! :-)

Cheers !


anu said...

It's so intriguing how some seemingly trivial incidents can kick-off such an enormous train of thoughts!

I guess it happens when we give our brains a small break from the choas of the world and concentrate, if only a moment, on things that are really precious and that matter.

If each one of us took the time out to do this more often, I think we would better appreciate the things in our lives and be more content.

A truly enlightening blogpost- I never thought about changelessness so deeply before!

Kiran Joshi said...

You have placed your thoughts very deeply here and that too in a wonderful way...!!!! Rightly said that

"You'd get to know me better after reading my posts"....

I was especially moved by your conclusion

"Measure your wealth by the number of things that haven’t changed - they form your identity, they are your true possessions and they are your riches".

Truely said!!!
Frankly speaking i never thought so deeply...though i would encounter such thoughts!!!!

Thanks to you made me clear in such a critical topic of life....!!!

Anilkumar said...

Hey tarun..
Atlast u r out with a blog on some practical note .."change"

Change is evitable tarun,,,bt it is good if it happens in the direction of betterment...!!!

I like the pic of urs a lot..

Keep gng :)


Divya Namani said...

woow...loved this post of urs..If Change is the definition,the unchangeability is the elixir..truely fantastic line,Tarun... :) ..why dont you frequent writin these kind..we would love to read such ;) :)

Gaya3 said...

I remember we both discussed few days back that life is all about 'change' :-)

But yes,with your rendition....just realized(although we know it subconsciously)that we feel very happy only when few things do not change :)

As someone rightly said, no matter how much you succeed in life,in terms of name and fame, it doesn't carry any sense when there is no one around you to cherish the moment!!!!And that's life all about....!!!!

Very good title...beautiful pictures and excellently put!!! :)

Padmini said...

As usual ur ideas rock !!! Nice one , can't help but agree with the fact that change is inevitable !! :).The good thing is some people never go away from our lives . :)

Keep writing ...Waiting for your next blog ... :)

Srinivas Chepuri said...

I some how think .. "Change" here is being portrayed as something negative .. from which i beg to differ .. it all depends on how we react to it ..

for instance ...

If a happy relationship is hit with a "change" in any form .. it is a not negative if it is dealt correctly, if we run away from the change rather than dealing with it correctly .. it is then we curse it ..

Changes test relationships, if we can sustain them, every relationship grows into a new horizon .. it is then a sweet memory ..

As they say .. Change is inevitable and hoping to live without any change is foolishness as it is impossible !

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Annapurna: Absolutely, some minor experiences lead to a train of thoughts :-) I totally second unchangeability :)

@Kiran Joshi: Heey Kiran .. Thanks for your super-fast comment .. Good to see your compliment here again :-) .. You were the first person I was discussing this topic with , two months ago .. :-)


Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Anil: That's what I said, in this world of everyday changes I look forward to the ones which haven't changed.. And these are the things I look forward to .. Thanks for your comments .

@Divya: Thanks Divya.. Will surely try to post more often .. :-)


Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Gaya3: Yeah, you were another person I was discussing this with .. Glad you liked it.. As you said there should be people around to share your joys and sorrows,these are the ones who have been standing by you through thick and thin. These are the ones who've never changed.All I need are the ones who haven't .. I'm a believer of unchangeability ..

@Padmini: Oh yes, change is totally inevitable .. In this heap of changes, it's the unchanged ones that bring me happiness :) Thanks for your response !


Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Chepuri Srinivas:

Hmm.. not totally. I spoke of both. I agree that ‘change’ tests relationships and that’s what even I said. Some survive changes, some don’t. The ones that survive are immortal and the others which don’t survive, end up fizzling out in due course of time. Reasons behind some fiascoes can never be understood.

It is these immortal ones which blossom into new horizons as the quantum of emotions involved are constant and remain unchanged.

At the end, change is inevitable- whether you choose to ‘run away’ or not, it happens anyway. All I wanted to say is in this world of frequent changes it’s the ones which don’t change that matter. It’s the unchanged ones which bring solace, happiness and make life fulfilling.

I firmly believe that, we, as followers of today’s religion, also called ‘hypocrisy,’ sing hymns of ‘change’ but we secretly believe, trust, find happiness and look forward only to the ones which have remained constant.

I totally agree that hoping to live without change might be foolishness in some aspects, but it is equally foolish to expect a few cardinal things to change as these cardinal things don’t change anyway. Well just a personal opinion though. I trust changes in a few things, but I reject them in another few.

On a lighter note, it’s been a long time since we’ve agreed on a blogpost :-) In any case it's good to see diverse perceptions and different dimensions of thinking.


raghupavan said...

hi Tarun,

Wonderful piece of writing-this is the best one among urs that i read. The logical structure is excellent.

Since you broached this pandora's box called "relationship", I couldnot help but wonder whether I shud move on in a relationship .(.be it a friend for time being ..) that went sour...or to cling to old memories ...

And this gets much more difficult to deal when u miss ur dear friends with whom you would like to spend ur time gossiping and killing the boredom--alas we are grown up kids.
fun-Not anymore, we race against time to earn our daily bread;niggle & juggle with our mundane stuff.

I dont want to even touch the booby trap -marriage or love reltionship-which evryone of us has to enter with much trepidation.God knows how society is running ...

Thanks, u supplied gud food for my
brain....I shall come up with an article on my experience.

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Raghu Pavan: I'm elated that you liked my post. I agree that apprehensions are a part of relationships. It's strange that some remain unchanged and some others don't. Repeating myself, the ones which stay unchanged comprise your possessions. That's life for you :-)


Spoo-candid said...

Amazing the way your words persuade me to appreciate little and beautiful things of life. This blog of yours is definitely " Glass being half full" perspective.
I have never embraced change and have always complained about the same but now i understand. The "Evangelism" worked on me :).

Venkatesh Velaga said...

Nice blog Tarun.

I always wait for your new blogs which usually make me to think after reading your blog.

I admire Ms. Mary Josephine who is very committed.

From her some Software professionals who usually look for a change of job every now and then for increment in salary should learn a lot.

She realized money is not every thing. :). Indian Politicians should realize the same :).

'unchangeability is the elixir of life'!! We cannot get elixir that easily because now a days unchanged things are very few and those are also changing some times for instance siblings after they grew will start fighting for property etc. Ofcourse love of parents never change and one should agree to it

Anonymous said...

Second you! Reminds me of this.

"Change means that what was before wasn't perfect. People want things to be better."

Guess it explains everything what you wanted to say.

Keep writing, so that Mr. A can be constant in your comments. :-P

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Spo: Oh yeah re .. Nor have I embraced change in the aspects I spoke about. I definitely look forward to a change in my career , salary, education, in my way of thinking, in my social circle and such things.. But never in those precious little things which make me what I'm. I'm happy that my 'evangelism' worked on you :) Thanks for your comments. They make me happy as always !!


Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Venkatesh Velaga:

Hey Penky.. I'm gratified that my blogs make you think and that you always wait for them.

Absolutely !! Ms. Mary Josephine is a great personality. She was my Physics teacher in school and even today she never misses a day at school. She's been winning the 100% attendance award since 18 years or so. Such people are extremely rare and these are the people who shape the world. Little Flower is what it is only because of such wonderful personalities.

And yes, sibling rivalry has also started. But most of the times, these precious things like parents, siblings and friends don't change. And hence they comprise your life and are your true possessions :)

Thanks a lot for ur inputs :)


Tarun Parthasarathy said...


Hey Mr.A !!! How have you been ? I was actually waiting for your comments. And I'm totally taken by surprise that you've seconded what I said :D Quite candidly, I was expecting a mild disagreement from your end and I can't tell you how elated I'm to find it otherwise :)

And I luved your quote again. I'm going to share it on facebook with your approval. That's precisely what I wanted to express.

I'd always keep writing and I'd luv to have your unchanged contribution to the list of comments here :)

And hey, you said you'd get me something to read. What happened to it ?


Kanchana Naravar said...

It takes one genuine heart to love,appreciate all things around and wish they don't change with time...And having someone who feels this way is a blessing to ur loved ones...I was over joyed reading your post :) Appreciating unchangeability in bonds shows the difference between people who live and the ones who exist...Am glad the way ur thoughts are.. you are a great man!!

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Kanchana Naravar:

I'm so honored that you liked my post !! I trust that unchangeability in bonds is what makes them immortal and our life much more purposeful, fulfilling and meaningful. I totally believe that unchangeability is equally (and in fact more) critical an element as change without which life has no meaning attached.

Thanks for your response.


shikha thakur said...

hey tarun,
have no words to express how beautiful your writing is... very good work.
I keep waiting for your writing... infact we all do!.
this post is making me think of so many things. so many things running into all at once, Im actually thinking of how many times have I complained of change... n its like everyday I did..
but that word so much defines life...
thank you for writing something like this.
keep posting.!

Tarun Parthasarathy said...


It's a privilege that my blogs are being awaited Shikha !! And thanks for your praise. Well even I've rejected change in a few cardinal things and will always do. :) But yeah , as people say, you can't really avoid it most of the times. Those few precious things which remain constant throughout constitute your true riches.

Thanks for your comments :)Hope your comments are unchanged ;-) ..


Aashish said...

Its not unchangeability, but the ability to adapt to changes that is the real elixir of life.

Sometimes, resistance to change may cause ills, not cure them.

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Aashish: Adapting to certain inevitable changes might be essential. But amidst this world abuzz with clamorous changes, I feel a few unchanged cardinal things have their own charm. They definitely usher peace of mind.


Geethanjali said...

Very Beautiful Post...."Measure your wealth by the number of things that haven’t changed - they form your identity, they are your true possessions and they are your riches". ---- So true...

Tarun Parthasarathy said...

@Geethanjali: Thanks. One more new reader !! I'm delighted.!!


Venkata Raghu said...

Hey Tarun,

check my new blog post:

Venkata Raghupavan Mujje