Tuesday, September 2, 2008

And here it comes again !!

After a torrent of serious and ominous topics, I think its time for me to post something healthy and jovial. It's after eons that I am so very delighted, so very excited!! No prizes for guessing the reason !! Its Ganesh Chaturthi tomorrow. !!!! Undoubtedly my favorite of all the festivals !!

Right from the age of 6 or 7 , I was always fascinated with the pomp and splendor the festival is performed with. I can't help recounting the good old memories associated with this festival. Just one day before the festival, my adrenaline would start pumping in the order of gallons. I still remember whiling away all the time in school and desperately waiting to come back home. And after returning home, I'd suddenly transform into a 'boisterous' child( from the ' innocent and cute' image which I generally have ;) ) and pester my mom to take me along with her to Chikkadpally :D :D . That's a sprawling place with a plethora of idols of various kinds, colors and backgrounds. The huge variety of flowers , fruits , leaves and herbs would render me completely enchanted. As is my wont , I'd gorge on the host of delicacies prepared. I'd completely earmark the evenings of the next ten days for exploring all the Ganesh pandals in my vicinity. The funny memories of queuing up along with the other kids for a bite of the 'prasad' is still so vivid. I also have to my credit, the idiosyncrasy of collecting all the regional newspapers and cutting out the spectacular pictures of the Lord and preserving them for future perusal. I would have probably collected them for more than 10 years and that bag of pictures still leaves a smile reminding me of those innocent days.

By and by , I began to sense the mounting intimacy of my family with the Lord. Dad suddenly developed a rare prowess of putting pebbles together and unleashing amazing images of Him. I should confess that initially , I didn't possess the ability to appreciate what dad was doing, but later on the idols dad was dishing out began to proliferate and it surprisingly began to draw everyone's attention. And then I began to wonder as to how dad was able accomplish something which seemed really insurmountable !! The way he zeroes in on stones , his style of glueing them together and finally bringing out awe-inspiring images began to fully captivate me. May be I still do not know how he does it !! I tried following closely the rigmarole he employs , but later I realized that I, who can't even draw the picture of a 'vernier calipers' properly , shouldn't attempt learning an innate talent. In the beginning, it used to be the members of our colony who used to visit our place and check out my dad's work. As time flew, there were many channels and newspapers which came down to our place, captured glimpses of the idols and even conducted interview sessions. I completely enjoyed those moments as my house became the center of attraction. So I take the liberty of leaving a few glimpses of the idols which my dad calls ' prized possessions'. :) Hope people don't take it for fanfaronade. Please condone the flaws in my photography and alignment of the pictures.


Ramana Sarva said...

Those idols really looked wonderful. U ppl can really go eco-friendly. I guess u people can do ur puja using them. :)

anu said...

Nice topic! Happy vinayaka chathurthi! I guess childhood innocence and the longing for sweets dominate us, especially during the festivals!

As for the idols, believe me, Tarun's home is full of such wonderful idols! I was awed when I saw them!

Hey Tarun, maybe u should start a new hobby such as your father's...just give it a thought.