Thursday, September 25, 2008

Give us some respite !!!!

Opinionated as always , I always believed that the only route to realize my dream is diligence and nothing else. A staunch aficionado of Swami Vivekananda as I am , I firmly reposed faith in 'pluck' and blithely dismissed the existence of the entity called 'luck'. Never did my mind ever think of the 'indelible writings on one's forehead' and the inexorability of something called 'fate'. The values which my school had injected into my mind, the copious poems and stories I have been absorbing over these years have probably tailored my mindset to rule out the existence of the entities called 'destiny', 'fate' and 'luck'. But why do I see that the profound beliefs which I've been nurturing since years galore , have now begun to shudder. ?? I somehow realize that the potency of the practical experiences and that of the daily happenings has now started to gradually dislodge my deep rooted beliefs and impressions.

The origin of these practical lessons traces its way back to 2003 , the year I took my Class X exams.I still remember how horrendously I worked to secure a 90% mark and I finally scored something less than what I deserved. Something similar happened during my intermediate course. Right from the first year,I was focussed and determined to pursue my studies in BITS. I successfully secured a decent 98% which was adequate to fetch me a seat in BITS. That very year, BITS changed the mode of admission and started conducting online entrance tests. I was finally forced to take up engineering in a college which I didn't even know. My experiences in engineering have never been all that bitter. This joy was pretty ephemeral as efforts didn't fructify for long. All of a sudden my aggregate took a sharp nosedive without any concrete reason. These are just a few instances of my academic experiences. There have been excruciating experiences in my personal life as well. Certain things which I yearn for , cannot just come to me for no proper reason. Thanks to the intricacies and complications which can never be understood.

If everything were in my own hands, why is it I don't get what I deserve at times ?? Why do I get dragooned into doing something which I abhor ?? Why do I always have to change myself or convince my own self ??? Why do I feel that there is a supreme and massive force which monitors the whole universe ?? Probably it is this colossal force that decides every human being's life. Is it the same entity to which we are always forced to succumb ?? The words destiny , fate and luck refer to the merciless and heinous decisions taken by this juggernaut. Is it that we minions can only make untiring efforts and then seek the approval of this adamantine power???

Many a time ,its ferociousness reaches the acme. Its appalling to note that this entity ,in disguise of Nature savages lakhs of people , renders thousands of them homeless , and doesn't rest until it sees it to it that they starve to death . Is it only that this great power is arrogant of its enormousness ?? If that is so , I hereby question its very wont of preconceiving our future. "Give people what they want if they truly deserve it.. What kind of contentment do you get out of snatching away our dreams and joys ?? You don't even deign to spare poor little children . How arrogant and heartless can you get ?? What right have you got to make and then mercilessly break relationships ??? Oh mighty force, preserve and maintain your supremacy by developing something called 'magnanimousness', lest people's faith in you should gradually get eroded. " is all I want to say.

1 comment:

Ramana Sarva said...

First of all, Many happy returns of the day Tarun.
Wishing you all the success under the sun. And you will certainly get what u deserve in life. And by the way, you sound like Bruce in Bruce Almighty ;) "And that's the way the cookie crumbles".